HomeMoviesFirefly Lane Season 2 Part 2 Trailer Previews April Release

Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 2 Trailer Previews April Release

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Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 2 Trailer Previews April ReleaseFirefly Lane. (L to R) Sarah Chalke as Kate, Katherine Heigl as Tully in episode 216 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Diyah Pera/Netflix © 2023

Netflix announced on Monday that the second part of Firefly Lane Season 2 will premiere on April 27, 2023, as well as releasing a new trailer and images for the batch of seven episodes.

The series sees Katherine Heigl and Sarah Chalke as lifelong best friends that act as support for one another throughout difficult periods in their lives. In the first half of the second season, the pair severed ties with one another following a car accident that Tully (Heigl) got into with Kate’s (Chalke) daughter in the car. However, Kate eventually tried to reconcile the relationship after getting diagnosed with cancer, only to miss her friend, who had departed for Antarctica to film a documentary.

Check out a new Firefly Lane trailer for the batch of episodes, as well as some new images, below:

The trailer for the second half of Season 2 teases Tully’s trip to Anarctica, as well as Kate and Tully’s past history as friends. Despite the drama, it seems the pair do end up meeting with one another, as the trailer ends with the pair reuniting.

Firefly Lane‘s first season and the first half of Season 2 are now available to stream on Netflix.

  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Roan Curtis as Young Kate, Ali Skovbye as Young Tully in episode 211 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Diyah Pera/Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Katherine Heigl as Tully, Ben Lawson as Johnny, Sarah Chalke as Kate, Brendan Taylor as Mutt in episode 212 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Sarah Chalke as Kate, Katherine Heigl as Tully in episode 216 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Diyah Pera/Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Katherine Heigl as Tully, Yael Yurman as Marah, Ben Lawson as Johnny in episode 211 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Roan Curtis as Young Kate, Ali Skovbye as Young Tully in episode 216 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Ben Lawson as Johnny, Sarah Chalke as Kate in episode 212 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Lauren K. Robek as Carol, Brendan Taylor as Mutt, Katherine Heigl as Tully in episode 215 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Katherine Heigl as Tully, Ignacio Serricchio as Danny in episode 212 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Diyah Pera/Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Katherine Heigl as Tully, Sarah Chalke as Kate in episode 211 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Sarah Chalke as Kate, Katherine Heigl as Tully in episode 216 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Diyah Pera/Netflix © 2023
  • Firefly Lane. (L to R) Katherine Heigl as Tully, Sarah Chalke as Kate in episode 216 of Firefly Lane. Cr. Diyah Pera/Netflix © 2023


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