What is the importance of standing united in your music?
I believe it’s human nature to seek community and acceptance, whether it’s in public or online. An artist’s vision can be shaped into an amazing ecosystem when an audience stands together. Uniting around music can embolden an audience to do some powerful things and create very meaningful experiences together. It results in the music having a greater impact. Most importantly, the music tells many stories, and not just your own.
Does anything come first before music?
I’m very quick to put family before music. There are many ways in which I’m always trying to give back to my support system. Spending time back home is beneficial to my music making, since as a family we all think alike and grew up as musicians. Friends are just as important, and often our experiences together translate into creative concepts. True friends and family see the world through a common lens and support each other’s efforts unconditionally.
How do you make sure to check in mentally as you’re making more music regularly?
Thinking out loud helps me tackle mental stress. There’s a lot going on in my mind, and I must identify what’s within my control and what isn’t. I make sure that I’m taking frequent breaks and changing tasks throughout the day, or just taking time to think about nothing at all. Sometimes I’ll be out in my RV/studio for a week without leaving. I think most people nowadays can understand what just a few days of isolation can do to the mind and body. It’s mutually beneficial for humans to keep in close contact, sacrifice time and space, and help each other mentally. Otherwise, we fall apart.
What are the efforts you’re making to build on your brand DCPA?
I’ve set myself up multiple platforms to start growing a community within the emerging crypto/decentralized web. I’ve also started launching music videos to accompany my latest releases and build up my YouTube presence. In addition, working with BSquared Management has enabled me to push my message to more blogs/podcasts and talk in depth about my music. I believe the story of an artist becomes the driving force behind their career, so I’m taking efforts to visualize and narrate my own. Music has deeper meaning and becomes magnetic in this way.
Give us the essence of what DCPA means to you?
To me, DCPA is the platform for fulfilling my purpose in life. I took a long break from music during college and my early accounting career. I knew music would become a big part of my life again someday. DCPA was the persona I came up with when my passion for music started to collide with my career as an accountant. It stands for “Danny the Certified Public Accountant”, starting out as a witty acronym and passion project; but in essence I believe the brand represents a rogue, underdog, and unlikely story of a born musician. I’m not alone in this persona either, as the more I progress through music as a career, the more I meet artists from similar stories. Through DCPA, I’m able to communicate and connect to people on a deep level.
What does your music mean to you?
My music is my most unique and truest form of expression. While a song can be influenced by many external factors during its production, the result is an uninterrupted listening experience. Each song represents a new journey or a reflection of the past. It means I can share my perspective and connect with many people and leave a legacy for future generations. Music is the language of the universe. It makes me feel accomplished, like I matter and am relevant, but it goes much further than that when I see it helping others.
What song is coming our way soon?
I’m working on a cool 80’s cover track with my good friend Michael English (Pelican Dock). It’s called ‘Shattered Dreams’ – originally by Johnny Hates Jazz. Michael and I worked together in Dallas at an accounting firm, and when I created DCPA, he shortly thereafter created Pelican Dock. We work well together because of our similar work history and artistic values. Check out his original music on Spotify!
What do we need to listen to now?
Check out Iconic Love today on your favorite platform, and look out for the music video releasing April 25, 2022, on YouTube, Vevo, and more!
End of Interview