Social media platforms are where billions of people around the globe go to connect with others, get information and make sense of the world. The companies that run these sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Reddit, collect vast amounts of data based on every interaction that takes place on their platforms. And despite the fact that social media has become one of our most important public forums for speech, several of the most important platforms are controlled by a small number of people. Mark Zuckerberg controls 58 percent of the voting share of Meta, the parent company of both…
Author: Admin
Photography courtesy of Imaxtree The red nail theory suggests that men are attracted to red nails because it reminds them of…their moms. Amanda Demeku took a set of crimson tips out on the town for a week to put it to the test. By Amanda Demeku Date November 28, 2022 If you’re not familiar with the theory sweeping the nation (a.k.a. TikTok), the lore of the red nail theory alleges that crimson nail polish is the most appealing colour to men. Apparently, men like red nails so much, the very sight of it leads them to ask you out, shell…
Elon Musk became Twitter’s owner on Thursday, firing top executives and providing little clarity over how he will achieve the lofty ambitions he has outlined for the influential social media platform.The CEO of electric car maker Tesla has said he wants to “defeat” spam bots on Twitter, make the algorithms that determine how content is presented to its users publicly available, and prevent the platform from becoming an echo chamber for hate and division, even as he limits censorship.Yet Musk has not offered details on how he will achieve all this and who will run the company. He has said…
The staff of Pitchfork listens to a lot of new music. A lot of it. On any given day our writers, editors, and contributors go through an imposing number of new releases, giving recommendations to each other and discovering new favorites along the way. Each Monday, with our Pitchfork Selects playlist, we’re sharing what our writers are playing obsessively and highlighting some of the Pitchfork staff’s favorite new music. The playlist is a grab-bag of tracks: Its only guiding principle is that these are the songs you’d gladly send to a friend.This week’s Pitchfork Selects playlist features Egg Meat, duendita,…
It has only been about two years since Amnesia: Rebirth. However, Frictional Games has just announced another new entry in the series called Amnesia: The Bunker. This horror game got its first trailer and is coming out on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in March 2023. No PS5 port was mentioned, however. The trailer sets the tone by showing lone character wandering around in a bunker with a revolver while unknown noises echo within its concrete walls. Players inhabit the boots of an amnesiac French World War I soldier stuck in the titular bunker while being…
“Beyond the Heart” is a brand-new podcast hosted by renowned Cardiologist, Women’s Health Advocate and Author, Dr. Nieca Goldberg. Weekly, she explores essential conversations with doctors, thought leaders, health practitioners and game-changers to help you redefine how to view your body and the healing process. This groundbreaking conversation series is a cross-generational exploration of all aspects of women’s health so that you can become your own best health advocate. This Week’s Episode Cheryl Stokes is the CEO of CNEXT, a diverse global community that helps connect, develop and advance high-impact leaders. For more than 30 years Cheryl has helped leaders…
Call Me Kat executive producers Maria Ferrari and Jim Patterson have opened up about the tragic passing of Leslie Jordan, whose final episode on the popular Fox sitcom aired last night, Thursday, December 1. Jordan, who died in a car accident on October 24, starred in the hit series as Phil, a newly single gay man who works as the head baker at Kat’s (Mayim Bialik) café. In the currently airing third season, Phil finally finds love as he meets his new boyfriend, Jalen (John Griffin). In Thursday’s episode, which saw Phil and his closest friends celebrate Friendsgiving with a…
Slate plaques from about 5000 years ago engraved with images of what look like owls may have been children’s artwork rather than funeral offerings, but not everyone is convinced Humans 1 December 2022 By Carissa Wong Could slate plaques like these (the one on the left is a replica) have been made by children?Juan J. Negro Slate plaques engraved with owl-like features may have mainly been children’s artwork rather than funeral offerings as previously proposed, but the idea is controversial. For over a century, researchers have debated the meaning of thousands of palm-sized slate plaques mainly found at burial sites…
From cosy, shearling-lined hiking lace-ups that could compete for the number one spot in your winter boot wardrobe through to sophisticated, knee-high silhouettes with a subtle shearling detail here or there, your options are endless. And some girls—like Chrissy Ford—are embracing the top-to-toe winter look by wearing with a chunky puffer coat and leggings. Read The Full Article Here
What defines luxury? For years, the world looked to Coco Chanel for florid descriptions of what is or is not luxurious. That would seem most unwise today, considering it has been recently reported that she was a Nazi intelligence operative and an anti-Semite.Perhaps the most WIRED view would chime with that of American playwright and novelist Thornton Wilder, who said that “the future is the most expensive luxury in the world.” For me, though, Oscar Wilde put it best (naturally): “I’m a man of simple tastes. I’m always satisfied with the best.” It’s a yardstick I thoroughly endorse—and, for those of…
People with cluster headaches may be more than three times more likely to have other medical conditions such as heart disease, mental disorders and other neurologic diseases, according to a study published in the December 14, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Cluster headaches are short but extremely painful headaches that can occur many days, or even weeks, in a row. The headaches can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours. “Around the world, headaches have an incredibly negative impact on people’s quality of life, both economically and socially,” said study…
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Michelle Williams just needs some hot water in the first Showing Up trailer – Little White Lies 3 && args[2] === 2 && typeof args[3] === ‘boolean’ ) { gdprApplies = args[3]; if (typeof args[2] === ‘function’) { args[2](‘set’, true); } } } else if (args[0] === ‘ping’) { var retr = { gdprApplies: gdprApplies, cmpLoaded: false, cmpStatus: ‘stub’ }; if (typeof args[2] === ‘function’) { args[2](retr); } } else { if(args[0] === ‘init’ && typeof args[3] === ‘object’) { args[3] = { …args[3], tag_version: ‘V2’ }; } queue.push(args); } } function postMessageEventHandler(event) { var msgIsString = typeof ===…
Mr. Charismatic by Lisa L. Feggans-Odom If it seems like something is off, it probably is. That’s something to keep in mind now more than ever, especially in these days of online dating and friend requests on social media. In Mr. Charismatic, the latest psychological thriller from Lisa L. Feggans-Odom, popular social media influencer Latavia discovers to a dangerous degree just how much something can be off — and how much somebody can conceal. In this recent Q&A, Feggans-Odom discusses the background for Mr. Charismatic, where the story and characters originate, and her journey into the world of writing in…
The desperate mission to save Amber (Jessica Ann Collins) continues on Echo 3 Season 1 Episode 6, airing Friday, December 16, on Apple TV+. TV Fanatic scored an exclusive first look at the pivotal episode, which shows Prince (Michiel Huisman) and Bambi (Luke Evans) plotting their next move. Unfortunately, they know the net is closing, and their window to save Amber is closing. They turn their attention to the sibling of someone associated with the people holding Amber captive, forcing them to question how far they will go to save her. Bambi looks shocked as he hears Prince’s thoughts on…
There is a frozen soup of viruses, bacteria and fungal spores lurking beneath the frigid Arctic soil. Unlike the icy leftovers in the back of your freezer, some of these microbes haven’t interacted with a cell since well before ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza. As climate change continues to cook the planet, however, these permafrost-locked germs are beginning to thaw. But can newly defrosted microbes “wake up” and infect anything? And how much of a potential threat do they pose to human and environmental health? Those are the questions an international team of scientists began to probe in a…
Julia Roberts paid not-so-subtle tribute to longtime friend George Clooney at the Kennedy Center Honors in Washington DC on Dec. 4. She arrived to the gala wearing a black gown entirely covered in photos of her “Ticket to Paradise” costar, whose humanitarian efforts were celebrated during the ceremony. The tongue-in-cheek dress was custom-made by Moschino creative director Jeremy Scott and adorned with pictures of Clooney throughout his decades-long career, including old professional headshots, magazine spreads, red carpet moments, and even several screen grabs from his “ER” days. Each snapshot was surrounded by a decorative gold frame as a nod to…
Overspending on Twitter for $44 billion (roughly Rs. 3,37,465 crore) was the easy part. Now, Tesla Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk must prove why he believes that Twitter is worth 10 times that amount and turn around a social media platform that he has spent months ridiculing. Earlier this month, the outspoken billionaire said: “Myself and the other investors are obviously overpaying for Twitter right now. The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is an order of magnitude greater than its current value.” Musk has provided few concrete details about his plans, and what he has shared appears far-fetched…
After months of thrills, and near spills (certainly for Morgan Myles), America has chosen Bryce Leatherwood as the winner of The Voice 2022. The country singer was guided throughout by Blake Shelton, and hadn’t hit a bum note during his ride. Based in Statesboro, Georgia, the 22-year-old singer gives Shelton a record ninth victory. Shelton will get a chance to reach double figures in the win column before he steps away from the show at the end of the 23rd season. Leatherwood placed himself near the head of the class from the outset, performing Blake’s adaptation of Conway Twitty’s “Goodbye…
The Game Awards are just one week away and some publishers have been hinting at what they’ll be showing at the event. 505 Games is one such publisher and the company has recruited Reservoir Dogs actor Michael Madsen in its Game Awards tease. To: @geoffkeighleyFrom: #505Games @EpicGamesSubject: Lost and Found Item Hi Geoff, Your number one fan has left something in reception. Want to come and collect it? Thank you! — 505 Games (@505_Games) December 1, 2022 505 Games posted a video about this mystery game on its Twitter account. Madsen can be seen walking into a building asking for host…
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write Bastard Boss? When I wrote my Necklace Trilogy, Tyler and Bella were both side characters who I absolutely got sideswiped by and I just had to tell their story! What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite genre to write? Thrillers. I write both romances and thrillers, but am more drawn to thrillers for reading because it helps keep my brain moving in the right direction for my deadlines What books are on your TBR pile right now? Any book by one of the…
The time is one year before the turn of the 21st century. Everything is perfect. To make it even better, the best TV show on earth premiered. It is time to go down memory lane and invoke some nostalgia remembering a time we convinced ourselves that life was better than it is today. The Sopranos was a great show. It was one of a kind. During a time when people were focused on making soapy teen shows. I’m not saying Teen shows were necessarily bad, but this epic drama was a welcome alternative. We have revisited nineteen of the most…
The effects of positive information and negative information on the proportion of recovered individuals for a certain transmission rate of mass media. Credit: Xifen Wu When an epidemic strikes, more than just infections spread. As cases mount, information about the disease, how to spot it, and how to prevent it propagates rapidly among people in affected areas as well. Relatively little is known, however, about the interplay between the course of epidemics and this diffusion of information to the public. A pair of researchers developed a model that examines epidemics through two lenses—the spread of disease and the spread of…
Graphic by Kayleen Dicuangco There’s something for every beauty-lover on your shopping list. By Lauren Knowles Date November 29, 2022 When it comes to holiday gifting, the more the merrier is our motto, which is why we adore a good gift set. Also, let’s be real: We all have that friend, S.O., or relative in our life that’s beauty and self-care obsessed, and who would totally agree that nothing says “happy holidays” like buying them enough skincare, makeup or fragrance to last them till next December. With the holiday season well underway, there’s no time like the present to shop…
Apple managed to boost both its sales and profit during a summertime quarter that depressed the fortunes of most other major tech companies, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the iPhone maker will be immune to a potential recession. Even though Apple fared reasonably well, the July-September results released on Thursday signalled that the world’s most valuable company is facing some of the same economic headwinds that hammered the profits of Microsoft and the corporate parents of both Google and Facebook.The company’s fiscal fourth quarter revenue rose 8 percent from the same time last year to $90.1 billion (roughly Rs. 7,42,000…
Just minutes before the national Transgender Day of Remembrance began on November 20, a gunman entered Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and opened fire, killing five people and injuring at least 25. The club was one of few spaces in the city for queer people to congregate and socialize free of judgment and bigotry. As anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment has begun to dominate the national conversation—often thinly veiled under the guise of “equality” in sports, accusations of “grooming” children, and protecting spaces created for women—violence against these very communities has also proliferated.The persistence of homophobic and transphobic attacks in the United States is overwhelming, especially…
The Witch: Part 2 – The Other One is a wild action-thriller 3 && args[2] === 2 && typeof args[3] === ‘boolean’ ) { gdprApplies = args[3]; if (typeof args[2] === ‘function’) { args[2](‘set’, true); } } } else if (args[0] === ‘ping’) { var retr = { gdprApplies: gdprApplies, cmpLoaded: false, cmpStatus: ‘stub’ }; if (typeof args[2] === ‘function’) { args[2](retr); } } else { if(args[0] === ‘init’ && typeof args[3] === ‘object’) { args[3] = { …args[3], tag_version: ‘V2’ }; } queue.push(args); } } function postMessageEventHandler(event) { var msgIsString = typeof === ‘string’; var json = {};…
Scientists at Scripps Research and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a clue to the molecular cause of Alzheimer’s — a clue that may also explain why women are at greater risk for the disease. In the study, reported on December 14, 2022, in Science Advances, the researchers found that a particularly harmful, chemically modified form of an inflammatory immune protein called complement C3 was present at much higher levels in the brains of women who had died with the disease, compared to men who had died with the disease. They also showed that estrogen — which drops in…
What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write A Mountain Leads Home, Their True Love Story? My daughter and son-in-law inspired the holiday romance, A Mountain Leads Home. If not for a snowboarding accident and my daughter’s role as a trauma nurse, two people would never have met. While the relationship developed quickly, there have been many challenges and gratefully, one happily-ever-after. If you had to pick theme songs for the main characters of A Mountain Leads Home, Their True Love Story, what would they be? The song “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros was…
The CW Network has finally dropped premiere dates for Superman & Lois Season 3 and Gotham Knights. Both shows will premiere on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. “The new season of The CW’s biggest show SUPERMAN & LOIS alongside our most exciting new series GOTHAM KNIGHTS will make Tuesdays a can’t-miss night of action,” said Brad Schwartz, President, Entertainment, The CW Network. “With the iconic characters and gritty streets that everyone knows, fans will experience the best season yet of SUPERMAN & LOIS and be introduced to a hunted group of crime fighters out for vengeance, following in Batman’s footsteps on…