If you recognise the name, it’s probably because technically this bag isn’t new. The handbag was initially named after Jackie Kennedy and has been a hero Gucci item for years, but it’s been relaunched with a 2023 twist. The Jackie 2.0 has the signature shoulder strap and gold clasp across the body of the handbag, but instead of using statement logos or floral prints, these Jackies were all in simple buttery-soft leather. But the colour palette isn’t so quiet, as you’ll find the new bags in bright greens, bold reds and rosy pinks (and they already have Harry Styles, Jodie Turner Smith and Cate Blanchett’s approval).
While there’s a more traditional version available to buy right now in the iconic Gucci logo print, you can ensure you get hold of the other bolder colours on the Gucci site. This rerelease is certain to increase the value of any original vintage Jackies, but right now, you can find dozens of them on resale sites like Vestiaire Collective and Farfetch.
Keep scrolling to see Gucci’s new It bag, and shop the Jackie below.