Author: Admin

A team of marine scientists and zoologists from Japan, Malaysia, the U.S. and Russia has discovered two new species of Hesionidae—a type of segmented worm. In their paper published in the journal PeerJ, the group describes how they found the worms living off the cost of Japan’s Ryukyu Islands (part of Okinawa’s tidal flats) in sandy burrows created by ghost shrimp. They also describe them and outline where the worms fit on the Hesionidae family tree. Read The Full Article Here

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Set off on an adventure to new worlds this week! This selection of new science fiction and fantasy books will surely please! Science Fiction fans should be excited about the latest from bestselling authors Mike Mason, Jeremy Robinson, Derek Tyler Attico, and more. If Fantasy is what your library needs, you’ll be able to pick up the Read The Full Article Here

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Chiral molecules can have dramatically different functional properties while sharing identical chemical formulae and almost identical structures. The molecular structure of two types of a chiral molecule—so-called enantiomers—are mirror images of each other where one cannot be superposed on the other any more than your right hand can fit front-to-back on the left. While a lot of chiral molecules are traditionally considered fixed as left- or right-handed, chiral molecules based on helices are known to be able to switch in response to changes in their environment. Read The Full Article Here

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