Nick Newman, portrayed by Joshua Morrow, has made The Young and the Restless fans furious with his latest actions. The ongoing plotline centers around a heated argument between Nick and Adam, following Sharon Newman’s arrest. They both support her in their own way but Nick’s behavior wasn’t well-received by the audience. But, what happened?
Here are the details on what happened in the recent storyline that made fans furious about Nick.
Why are fans angry with Nick on The Young and The Restless?
Fans are angry with Nick as his intense altercation with Adam over Sharon’s arrest didn’t sit well with them. They found Nick to be unnecessarily mean to him.
The recent episode featured Nick conversing with Michael Baldwin about Sharon’s confession and future legal procedures to be carried out to sort her matter. Baldwin offers Nick a difficult legal solution, leaving him with two options — stick with Sharon or follow Baldwin’s lead to make their case credible.
Their conversation is interrupted eventually on Adam’s arrival. He seeks an update on Sharon’s case and plagues Nick with several questions, claiming that he wants to help them. However, Nick refuses his help and urges to be distanced from Sharon’s case. However, their exchange of words turns into a heated argument, wherein Adam starts digging up Sharon and Nick’s past.
All his comments boil Nick’s blood, who then begins blaming him for all the troubles that transpired in the family. Addressing his nosy behavior in his and Sharon’s relationship, he requests him to just stay away from their current matters. However, Adam remains rigid, revealing that he cares for Sharon and points out Nick’s intentional overprotective behavior towards her.
Instead of getting better, their altercation just worsened with the duo consistently arguing and dragging their past with Sharon. Nick didn’t take even a moment to hear Adam’s side of the story. Therefore, Adam lets go of their argument and reveals that he would find out about Sharon’s case himself.