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Hasbro has announced a few new figures in its Retro line of Marvel Legends action figures, bringing a new version of Spider-Man and Moon Knight to fans.
Two new figures come in retro-inspired packaging
The two new figures are both 6-inch scale, and feature special packaging in line with Marvel Legends’ Retro series, which packages the toys in special cardbacks. According to Hasbro, this is the first time that either character has appeared on the cardbacks.
The figures are both 6-inch scale and feature what Hasbro calls “extensive articulation,” which means they’ll be able to be displayed in a ton of different poses. Both figures can be pre-ordered exclusively at Target beginning on September 15, 2023. A gallery of both figures, as well as some key information on them, can be found below:
- Marvel Legends Series Retro Moon Knight: $27.99, includes figure and nine comic-inspired accessories, including the Fist of Khonshu
- Marvel Legends Series Retro The Amazing Spider-Man: $27.99, includes figure and 11 comic-inspired accessories including web swings
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